mmmmm sunday afternoon w/ doctor who catch up. just cried loadz at the vincent van gogh episode. love it so muchhhhhhhhh
ma and i went into homefirth (lil village/town) have a wander round, nice way to spend a sunday instead of being stuck in which is depressing on a sunday afternoon. picked up a leopard print shirt in a charity shop - so good! been looking for one for ages, and a nice bracelet thang.
tomorow gonna venture to meadowhell to get prom shoes. right now that seems as enticing as being held down whilst having needs pocked into my eyes cos i am SO TIRED. but might feel differently in the morn. will feel differently in the morn.
last nights dream was just fucking weird, they're getting weirder and weirder and the people in them are getting randomer and randomer. basicly i had organised this party (guessing thats coming from the after prom party i am avin) and like all my year were there along with af ew other randomers. carlos had a knife and he took it out and looked at it glinting in the light then put it in his jacket inside pocket. another guy (the prince) had furry vibrating boxer shorts on and he asked me to stroke them. someone wanted to put the kooks on. THE KOOKS. i think it was a fuckin nightmare. generally just weird. also there was a river that ran under the venue (of the party) and barges on it and i was looking at one for ages. oh and i was also a man. but it was me, i just looked like an old man with a beard. i dunno.
maybe tonight bed time should be 9.00 so i can actualy live tommorow. think i may bathe for an hour or so. home is so shit right now but blah blah titamaboobs must exist i suppose so the rest of (us) brilliant people can look down on them and laugh at them
'summers just beginning baby, i might have to hate you baby. one weekend you're acting crazy i might have to hate you baby. this isnt what i thought it would be, this is the saddest summer ever'
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