Sunday, June 06, 2010

although i am on facebook for a worrying percentage of my time there are points when i think oh my fucking god please die.
i get so angry at myself for constantly logging on and wasting precious time and brain space looking at shit photographs and reading inane conversations between titamaboobs and seeing that various dicks have liked 'I'VE GOT A SEXY BOYFRIEND' or 'doing nothing when you know you should be doing something important'
no-one fucking cares.
but they do, dont they? thats the point. but why?
this image sums the entire thing up.

the other day afew peepz from school were going down to the park near ma crib to sun bathe and generally chillax so seen as i wasnt up to much i went down on my bike and, unfortuntely, spent 2 hours of my life with them in the scorching sun. blueghrgh.
for the past 2 years i have observed the various friendship groups at my school and come to the conclusion that i should probz not bother with most of them, but theres always been afew people that i've felt dissapointed about not getting to know. and some of these people were down at the park. so i thought yano, havva butchers. it was pretty grim
no conversation. they just constantly quipped n bantered n revealed extremely rank and probably best kept private things about their other marts sex lives. obv well good convo. like i fucking want to know
. i was kinda bored out of my FUCKING SKULL. so i left. and when i got home and thought about it (too much probably) and then rang up reeve who is basicly my twin pscologically and understands me completely i got to thinking that i had probably not missed out on a great deal not talking to half of those people for 5 years. especially when they shorten my second name, carlon, to carl. JUS FORT LAFFS MERT.
oh god. and unfortunately, i end up sounding stuck up and superior to my lesser intelligent teenage peers. which is not how i am at all i just ARGH WHAT ARE THEY DOIN. they're ok i guess.
i just get annoyed, i never judge people to start with or think im better than them or anything, i always think i should find them out and see and 'make one in' as my ma would say but then i just end up wishing i never bothered.

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